Seed Saving & sources

Resources for seed saving

Seed Saving with Casey O'Leary.mp4

Seed Saving with Casey O'Leary

Seed Saving presentation 2 (2).pdf

Basics of Seed Saving

Pass It On_seed saving.pdf

A Beginning Guide to Saving Seeds

SixTips for Seed Saving from Seed Matters.pdf

Seed Safe Storage


Seed Safe Storage Chart

Sources for buying Seeds

Have you ever stepped out of a brightly lit building and looked up at the stars? At first you see only a few of the very brightest ones and, gradually, as your eyes become accustomed to the light, more and more magically appear in the night sky until soon there are more than you can count, more than you could have imagined. Well, it’s the same with seeds: when you first begin to grow from seed you see and recognize the common everyday ones, Early Girl tomatoes, Kentucky Wonder green beans, California Wonder bell peppers, but soon, as you begin your exploration of the seed universe, you become aware of the spectacular diversity and variety of  available seed. How can we resist wanting to sample a bit of the breathtaking bounty? When you combine that curiosity with the immutable fact of our challenging climate it only makes sense to pursue the search for the perfect seed.  The following is a listing of some interesting seed sources we like to use. If you know of other out-of-the-ordinary sources please let us know at (  and we will try to include them in the next update of  the site. Listings in boldface are our favorites.

Preferred Seed Sources

Foss Hill Rd. Albion, ME 04910 (207) 437-9294  

Wide variety of hybrid, heirloom and open-pollinated seeds. Informative catalogue.      

3076 N. Winn Rd.  Decorah, IA 52101   (319) 382-5990 

Non-profit dedicated to preserving seed diversity. 

Informative website, many tutorials on seed saving. 

Heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.  

6060A Graham Hill Rd.   Felton, CA 95018   (888) 880-7228  

Beautiful, unique, delicious and productive seeds from all over Europe. 

(207) 873-7333  

Selections particularly adaptable to cold climates, well respected. 

P.O.Box 772  Port Townsend, WA   98368  (360) 385-7455   

Non-profit with open pollinated and heirloom seeds.

Additional Seed Sources

190 North Pacific Highway Albany, OR  97321  (541) 928-9280  Hybrid, heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.Unusual herbs. 

20 Palmer Ave. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 (541) 942-9547  Hybrid, heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.   

Mansfield, MO (417) 9224-8917  Good selection heirloom and open-pollinated seeds. 

Garden Lane Fair Haven, VT 05743-0250   (803) 663-0217 Source of heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.  

621 Old Santa Fe Trail #10   Santa Fe, NM  87501 (505) 438 8080  Source of heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.   

300 Park Ave. Warminster, PA 18991   (800) 888 1447  Been around forever - no longer family owned but still lots of variety.     

P.O. Box 17538 Anaheim, CA 92817  (714) 637-5769  Oriental vegetable specialists -- Over 200 varieties from Japan, Taiwan, China, etc.    

P.O.Box 1626   Augusta, GA 30903  (803) 663-0016 Same as above.300+ varieties!

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada  L0C 1A0  Tel. 905 640-6677  Excellent selection of herb seeds and plants. 

P.O.Box 2209  Grass Valley, CA  95945   (888) 784 1722 

York, Prince Edward Island,   C0A 1P0  Canada   (800) 363-7333  Extensive field trials of both open-pollinated and hybrid seeds. Many short season varieties.

Distributors for Franchi Sementi, an Italian seed company founded in 1783

P.O.Box 23006  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307  (954) 537-5540  Peppers. peppers, peppers! 

526 N. 4th Ave.Tucson, AZ 85705-8450 (509) 9641-7016   Conserves and distributes diverse varieties of native and southwest agricultural seed and their wild relatives.